Fitness Is NOT About Discipline
It's commonly believed that fitness is about discipline, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
The Fastest Way To Gain Strength In ANY Lift
There's a simple, 'easy' way to quickly build strength in any lift - but here's why it's probably not going to be a good idea for you, and definitely won't be a good plan in the long term.
Understanding the "Training To Failure" Debate
Training to complete muscular failure is a common recommendation for enhancing the effects of your workouts, but this recommendation may not be ideal for everyone, and there's been a lot of recent debate.
Why I'm Bigger And Stronger In My 30's Than My 20's
I'm bigger and stronger in my 30's than my 20's - and that's because I now have an advantage that I didn't have back then.
Crush Your Goals With Superhuman Focus
The greatest modern superpower is very simple - unwavering focus.