Why Everyone Is Bigger & Stronger Than You
When you look online, you always feel like everyone is bigger and stronger than you - and that's true for everyone. Why?
The Lie of 1% Better Everyday For Fitness
"1% better every day" is a common saying for how we improve when learning a new skill or picking up a fitness routine, but this is a very misguided effort to show how it really works, and the reality is that this perspective can do more harm than good.
Fitness Is NOT About Discipline
It's commonly believed that fitness is about discipline, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Why I'm Bigger And Stronger In My 30's Than My 20's
I'm bigger and stronger in my 30's than my 20's - and that's because I now have an advantage that I didn't have back then.
Crush Your Goals With Superhuman Focus
The greatest modern superpower is very simple - unwavering focus.