Simplicity Is King, and Muscle Confusion Is Garbage
bigger, healthier, stronger, wiser Adam Fisher bigger, healthier, stronger, wiser Adam Fisher

Simplicity Is King, and Muscle Confusion Is Garbage

In general, you’ll get better results from following a simpler routine more consistently, rather than constantly varying and changing your routine. Fad workout routines based around “muscle confusion” can work, but will generally provide you inferior results to simpler and more consistent routines. Serious lifting athletes rely on ideal the routines and strategies which have been developed over the years, and focus on practicing a small number of movements repeatedly, rather than constantly varying movements.

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You Shouldn’t Care About Your Bodyfat Percentage
bigger, healthier Adam Fisher bigger, healthier Adam Fisher

You Shouldn’t Care About Your Bodyfat Percentage

Body composition is a popular metric for measuring overall fitness and physique, but it has significant drawbacks to its use. There are no publicly available and reliable methods for measuring body composition, which means that the metric itself is less useful (and often more discouraging) than it should be. While it may “seem” less scientific or data-focused, in reality, ditching or de-emphasizing body composition in favor of other methods can generally produce better results.

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How Fast Should You Lift?
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

How Fast Should You Lift?

It’s commonly believed that slower reps produce better results, though recent research strongly contradicts this old school wisdom. While high speed reps generally produce better results, there are still some caveats and nuances to understand. Understanding these nuances will help you understand when to apply purposefully fast reps, and when it may help to slow things down a bit.

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Do Dumbbells or Barbells Produce Superior Results?
bigger, healthier, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, healthier, stronger Adam Fisher

Do Dumbbells or Barbells Produce Superior Results?

Most lifters train primarily with bilateral exercises, in which both arms or legs are working simultaneously. However, unilateral exercises, in which individual limbs act with independent loading, have their own strengths and weaknesses - and they may be superior depending on your training needs. Here I analyze some of the strengths and weaknesses of each.

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