Deadlift Every Day

It's deadlift week. This is a holiday I may or may not have entirely made up all by myself.

I've been hard at work putting together a product called Deadlift Every Day. The title tells you what it's about, but here's the story.

In 2014 I experienced a significant drop in my deadlift - about 100lbs. At the time, I had gotten into the idea of Bulgarian-style training thanks to Matt Perryman’s Squat Every Day.
If you can squat every day, I asked myself, why can’t you deadlift every day?

The deadlift is more fatiguing than the squat, and many recommend that you only train it heavy once per week, or even once every two weeks. But I didn’t care. I wanted to see what would happen. So for one month, I deadlifted every day.

It worked. In one month, I put 70lbs back on my deadlift. At the same time, I also learned a lot of lessons to avoid injury and kept progressing effectively. I had to learn to check my pride at the door and not to be afraid of using light weights.

I guarantee that you will see amazing results on this plan. Best of all, it is 100% FREE if you follow the link below and sign up. You won't regret it. 



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